About me & Taroswish

C/J ⭑ INFJ ☆ Pisces

She / Her ☆ United Kingdom

☆*。★゚*♪ヾ(☆ゝз・)ノ . .

Since 2023, I have officially renamed my shop to Taroswish. The name "Taro" (芋) symbolizes beauty; it can take on any form, embodying warmth and softness. I am drawn to the abstract, the shapeless, and the undefinable, much like I think everyone can be. I feel that my soul doesn’t have a fixed shape and can become anything just like water or wind. Everyone is uniquely themselves, with no labels that can limit any aspect of who they are. The concept behind the name reflects this idea.

I love creating diverse styles of clothing, and my ultimate goal is to launch my own clothing line in the future. Every purchase from my shop supports this dream, and I am deeply grateful for that.

IG: @moolibabyx


Love and kisses ๑